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Supply Chain Fund Financing Program

Bumiputera Supply Chain Fund Financing Program is a collaborative financing program with TERAJU which aims to develop a network of suppliers among Bumiputera SMEs as part of the implementation of the Bumiputera Agenda led by TERAJU. This program is expected to help them grow their business and make Bumiputera SME suppliers more competitive.


  • Working Capital
  • Asset acquisition (excluding landed property)


All SMEs as defined by National Entrepreneur and SME Development Council (NESDC) that meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Micro, small and medium enterprises as defined by SME Corp.
  • Minimum of 60% Bumiputera shareholding.
  • Not a subsidiary of GLC or MNC companies.
  • CEO/MD must be Bumiputera.
  • Majority of the Senior Management is Bumiputera.
  • Company in the manufacturing, wholesale, retail and its related sector.

Margin of Financing

  • Up to 85% from the Bank
  • The remaining 15% of the cost is to be paid by the customer and will be reimbursed from the grant fund upon settlement of the financing.

Financing Concept

  • Commodity Murabahah via Tawarruq

Financing Facility

  • Commodity Murabahah Term Financing-i (CMTF-i)
  • Revolving Credit-i
  • Cash Line-i
  • Ijarah Thummulbai' (ITB)
  • Kafalah Bank Guarantee

Financing Limit

  • Minimum: $500,000.00
  • Maximum: $5.0 million

Profit Rate

  • Minimum: BFR + 0.00% p.a.
  • Maximum: BFR + 1.50% p.a.